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BibleStories : The Story of Moses

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The Israelites who are descendants of Jacob lived in Egypt.  These people, also known as “the children of Israel’, became large in numbers which made the king of Egypt, Pharaoh, very worried. Fearing that one day they would turn against him, Pharaoh made the Israelites work for him as slaves.  Pharaoh also ordered that every new-born Israelite baby boy be thrown into the River Nile.


There was a man and his wife who had three children, Aaron, Miriam, and their baby brother.  When the baby brother was born, his mother hid him to save his life.  The baby was growing and his mother could not keep on hiding him anymore.  Shedecided to leave him on the bank of the River Nile where the king’s daughtercomes to bathe.

When the princess of Egypt came to the bank of theRiver Nile she found the baby in the cradle and realized that he was a Hebrewchild.  She decided to take the adorable baby and raise him as herown.  Just before the princess left,the baby’s sister, Merriam, who was hiding in the bushes, came out of thebushes and asked the princess ‘Shall I go and bring a Hebrew woman to takecare of the baby for you?’.  Theprincess agreed, and Merriam went to fetch her mother.  Themother was very happy and grateful to God because she was going to be close toher child.  The baby whom theprincess named Moses lived in the palace and was treated as if he were her son.

Bible Story : Moses found by the Pharoah in Egypt

When Moses grew up, he found out that he was an Israelite.  Hewas angry at the cruelty and the brutality with which his people were treated.  Oneday Moses saw old men and children being whipped and beaten by the Egyptians towork harder.  This made him lose histemper and beat one of the Egyptians “taskmasters” to death.  WhenPharaoh heard this, he ordered that Moses must be killed!  Moseshowever, fled Egypt to the land of Midian.
Oneday as Moses was walking, he saw a burning bush. When he got closer, he heard the voice of God.  “Iam the God of Israel, I have seen the sorrows of my people and I have heardtheir cry, and I will send you to bring my people out of Egypt.” Moses obeyedGod, and went along with his brother Aaron to Egypt to set his people free andlead them out of Egypt to the Promised Land.

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